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Building Basement Bathroom – More Feasible Option

Building Basement Bathroom – More
  Feasible Option

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If you are in need of an extra bathroom n your home, head for the basement. A bathroom can be built in the basement. This is the most feasible option that helps you save cash and time. You do not need to add a square footage to the footprint of the house. You do not need a new foundation in the basement, no more foot or slab and without new siding or roofing, you can make a new basement bathroom with less one-third of the cost of a bathroom in somewhere else in your home.

The space of your home is precious; do not sacrifice it for making a new bathroom. Building a basement bathroom means one or two walls are already existing, the floor and roof both are there. Your total cost is much lesser and your home’s floor plan is not going to be compromised. This option is getting popular with homeowners and they are adding a bathroom in the basement for more flexibility of uses.

Basement bathroom needs a bit different style of décor. As you know that this room probably deprived of windows; no concept of window curtains there. Electric lights are the only source of illumination. Make sure that you choose proper lighting for the bathroom and make it sufficiently bright for good use. For the decor purpose, choose cute shower curtains and they will add texture to your basement bathroom.

Here are some modern, elegant basement bathrooms for you to check out the current trends. These bathrooms are highly functional, fashionable and eye-soothing. You can see the designs are chosen with consideration of the place. A basement loves bright shades, light colors for keeping the room environment ambient. You can read more about basement bathroom on HGTV and Houzz. Both portals have ample information about building and decorating basement bathrooms.

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