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How to make your floor lasting longer using wood floor finishes

How to make your floor lasting longer using wood floor finishes

Most of the people love hardwood flooring for its durability and classic look. But, over the period, the shine of the floor deteriorated and lost its elegance. Most of the people not aware of this problem. Using different wood floor finishes, you can keep the wood fresh as long as possible.

After proper installation, maintenance plays a crucial role in defining the life expectancy of hardwood floors.

General Maintenance:

You have to follow certain rules on a regular basis to keep the floor fresh. The rules such as avoid wet sweeper, use soft brushes to mop, clean floors with reputed vacuum cleaners, make floors free from nails especially pets, and follow the manufacturer guidelines.

The endurance and lifetime of the hardwood floors solely depend on what kind of wood floor finishes you are selecting.  Use proper finishing material based on your lifestyle and weather conditions. Always keep an eye on your local weather when come to floor selection.

There is lots of wood floor finishes material available in stores.  You have to refinish of the home every five-year if you’re in a joint family. On the other hand, you can do refinish after ten or 15 years if you’re living in a small micro family. Make sure you buy a perfect finishing material.

Wax floor finished.

Using paste and liquids are the traditional method of wood floor finishes. If you’re interested in children health use wax finishes and it is an eco-friendly product and comes with low toxicity. One of the benefits is that you can apply it using hands on floors. At least, minimum three coats of wax are recommended for a better result.

Water- based finishes.

At present, the polyurethanes are known to be standard wood floor finishes. They are eco-friendly and less toxic. All you have to do is mix the polyurethanes with water and apply it on the floor. The polyurethanes take a minimum time to dry that makes suitable for many homes. It takes up to maximum 4 hours for a coating.  The drawback is this product is quite expensive.

Oil-based Finishes:

This product is a better choice for commercial purposes. Oil- polyurethane is cost lesser than water based and easy to apply it on the floor. The major setback is that it contains lots of toxicity and produce irritating odor while applying.

Acid-based Finishes:

Acid based wood floor finishes are a better choice if you’re looking for durability. The reason is that it takes minimum three hours to dry.

Moistures-Based Finishes:

If you’re living in a cold climatic condition and opt out for moistures based wood floor finished. They are good at water resistance.


You just witness some of the wood floor finishes above. There is lot more material available on the market. Get the solid wood floor finishes to make your floor more durable.