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The best guideline to floor tile patterns

The best guideline to floor tile patterns

So you’ve just remodeled your house or went through a renovation procedure. Or you may have built up a new home for yourself. Lots of options, ain’t it? When the talk about constructing or renovating a house comes on, we go through different considerations. One of them is flooring.

Flooring requires adequate review and decision making. You normally have a dearth of options available for flooring materials. You can decide between the natural stones or the tiles or even the woods and more.

If you’re looking for an advice, the best bit would be tiles. Why? They are pleasant to the eye, highly durable, can last a lifetime, budget friendly and easily maintainable. That’s all sort of goodness locked inside one. However just deciding on the flooring material won’t suffice.

You need to have a flooring pattern to go with your material. You can’t just fit them just about anyway. There needs to be some sort of reference that you need to look upon for flooring. A rightly fitted flooring tiles as per the pattern will serve better.

Need some guideline of different flooring tile patterns. We’ve got just the right thing for you. Hop on, follow the different patterns mentioned below and decide the best one.

  • Straight fit
  • It’s the more traditional way of flooring a tile. Just fit them in a prefect straight way. It’s the simplest of the patterns yet it looks the most elegant.
  • All you need, is to decide on the area of the floor and look for the tile sizes that fits with the spacing of the area. Straight fits still run the course in major flooring options.
  • Diagonal pattern
  • It’s a little different to the straight fit as here the tiles are lined in a diagonal way. It’s often set on an angle of round about 45 degrees to align perfectly as per the floor space.
  • Diagonal flooring of tiles provide more expansive view to the floor and can make your area look spacious.
  • Checkered pattern
  • Checkered patterns make for a fine looking of the floor. Normally two sets of tiles are used to create a checkered look.
  • The trick is to align the tiles alternatively so as to get the required pattern. The checkered pattern gives you the flexibility to tile your floor in either a straight fir or a diagonal way.
  • Brick pattern
  • Remember the brick designs on the wall. It’s the same for the flooring too.
  • The tiles are aligned in a way that they replicate the brick module. It’s also termed as the running bind pattern or the offset pattern.