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Due to the great innovations that we use daily, we rarely used printed hard cased books to gain our knowledge. But no one can deny the great feeling that you have from sitting down and reading from a real book. There is no comparison of how a real book makes you feel against other forms of e-books. Reading fanatics are thrilled by the scene of a great library or a bookshelf, the feeling is multiplied hundred times if you lay your eyes on tall bookshelves. It simply a book library that goes from the floor to the ceiling. It holds so many books that you cannot count easily, and in the same time; it gives a thrill to any reading fan.
The Idea
Going vertical is the option for those who cannot go horizontal, the great thing about tall bookshelves is that they bear a heavy burden over a small piece of floor. There is no one way to have a tall bookshelf, as you may apply the idea to a whole wall and get a great library. The dimensions are not standard, you can create a custom bookshelf according to any space you want. As we said, people might have a small one or a wall full of shelves. Whichever way you choose to have, you will be saving a great space when you use it.
If you tried to think of partitioning ideas for your tall bookshelves, you will be able to narrow them down to two main titles; symmetric and asymmetric partitioning. If you want to know what I mean, just imagine your bookshelves divided vertically from the middle. If the two parts look the same with all the shelves on both sides, then it is a symmetric design. If it is the other way around, it is an asymmetric one. Some people might wonder how it is ok to have asymmetric partitioning, as it is not a good thing to be looked at. To them we answer, because sometimes book sizes differ; so appropriate room must be considered.
Creating Shapes With Shelves
One of the newest approaches in bookshelves nowadays is creating a shape or a word with them, and it really looks great. There are some famous shapes that people like to have, like the big X or V letters. You can also create a T letter to save more space on the floor, it is really unpredictable. Tall bookshelves are a great way of storing books in a neat kind of way, they also help in creating a reading corner in the room they are in. Decorations can be added to them as well, as you can apply small lamps and put small statues on some shelves.
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