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The Best Lighting Designs on the Internet

The Best Lighting Designs on the Internet

There is no doubt that in saying lighting is an important aspect of any household and a good lighting fixture significantly improves the aesthetics of the house and enhances the beauty of it. Nowadays, almost all the houses have similar lighting designs and. Therefore, there is no uniqueness and attractiveness when it comes to the lights in different houses. However, creative people have had enough, and they came up with a unique one of a kind light designs to attract and awe-inspire people around the. In this article, We will have a look at the best designs that one could find on the internet.

Smart Nightlight:

This is the era of smartness; everything is getting smart ranging from smartphones to smart cars and it was only a small matter of time before Lights became smart too. This is smart light because it will automatically adjust to the brightness/darkness of the room and decide to light itself accordingly. Plus it will scan for emergency alarms all the time and notify your contacts if anything goes south by syncing with your smartphone.

Gummy Bears:

Who doesn’t like Gummy Bears? We all do. Well, now you have a light that looks like an oversized gummy bear to light your world, LITERALLY! This light is best for your children.


These are just some of the most popular lighting designs on the internet today. There may be tons more but these are the ones that grabbed my attention, and I found it worthy to be shared with you guys.